mardi 25 septembre 2012

Velveteen by Daniel Marks

Velveteen , Book 1

Synopsis: Velveteen Monroe is dead. At 16, she was kidnapped and murdered by a madman named Bonesaw. But that's not the problem.

The problem is she landed in purgatory. And while it's not a fiery inferno, it's certainly no heaven. It's gray, ashen, and crumbling more and more by the day, and everyone has a job to do. Which doesn't leave Velveteen much time to do anything about what's really on her mind.


Velveteen aches to deliver the bloody punishment her killer deserves. And she's figured out just how to do it. She'll haunt him for the rest of his days. 

It'll be brutal . . . and awesome.

But crossing the divide between the living and the dead has devastating consequences. Velveteen's obsessive haunting cracks the foundations of purgatory and jeopardizes her very soul. A risk she's willing to take—except fate has just given her reason to stick around: an unreasonably hot and completely off-limits coworker.

Velveteen can't help herself when it comes to breaking rules . . . or getting revenge. And she just might be angry enough to take everyone down with her.

Review: So what? It's pretty hard for me to really have an opinion about this book. Indeed, when I started the story it was very difficult for me to be interested in Velveteen and to understand her. We directly fall in the middle of the story without really knowing what is happening and it's complicated to get an accurate picture of events. I was more interested when I reached the middle of the story but I can’t really say why ...

Velveteen is a young girl who has been murdered and tortured by an unimaginable man. Despite the laws in purgatory she can’t let him continue his life as if nothing had happened. And whenever she can, without anyone to notice it, she comes to his home to haunt him as much as she can. But when one day he brings a new girl and starts to make her endure everything she went throught, she is determined to stop him and to save the girl whatever the cost is.

In addition to all this, our young heroine is part of a team that saves souls trapped on earth, as she is good at it! She will thus save a young boy, Nick and therefore is forced to educate him in his "new life". Something that irritates her a lot. It was really fun to get to know our Velvet, she is very impulsive and doesn’t  hesitate to speak what she thinks all the time. She is strong and determined, but has also built a shell against external attacks (or so she thinks so) and she is fine like that. Or it was the case until Nick arrives in her life. Yes because, he doesn’t mind to have a girl so boring, oh no, he even wants to know her a little more if you know what I mean. You need to know that Velvet doesn’t agree with him at all. It was fun to see their arguments while he remained stoic, determined to get what he wants.

Okay I admit, I really liked Nick, how not to do it? He is so cute. However, what is unfortunate is that the author introduces us to some big surprises in relation to this character but nothing is explained and it was finally what I wanted to know the most.

We will also start looking for answers to learn more about this problem in the purgatory, this strange rebellion that we don’t understand much about. I might have missed a few points but I didn’t really understand what was going on, how and why. Okay, so I know why but it is true that I would have liked more details at the end of the story. But I know it is not finished and we can also have some other surprises.

I also think that sometimes the book had some passages a little too long for me and it's true that I had a problem with that. The novel is however fun to read but I think I was expecting more. I might be curious to read the second book to see how events will be developed now.

11 commentaires:

  1. I don't sounds kind of dark. I'm not sure how I'd feel about a plot like that. Think I'll hold off on this one.

  2. <Hm...I did like the adult novel he wrote (should read more from that series btw) So maybe

    1. Oh I didn't know about the Adult book, I'll have to check it out.

  3. Hm... I wasn't sure about this one, and I think I'll wait for the second. I think I'd be like you and want more detail. Maybe it will be present in the next book.

  4. Uh oh, big surprises? That sounds worrisome!

    I'm reading sometime this fall, so it's good to get your perspective.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  5. I have had so many high hopes for this book...That I have been scared to read it. Thanks so much for your review!!! I feel like I know what I'm getting into my.

  6. Somehow, this one doesn't sound like something I'll like. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but the negative aspects seem to outweigh the positive in terms of what I like in books, so thank you for the honest and helpful review! :)

    Ivy Book Bindings

  7. Oh you are on a roll with books I'm curious about. :) I am curious about this one and keep thinking about getting it. Thanks for the thoughts. Maybe book 2 will work out more things for you. :)
